What we do for the Sunshine Coast
- Enhance dollars spent on healthcare by purchasing much needed equipment and services for the care and comfort of patients.
- Support the British Columbia Association for Health Care Auxiliaries (BCAHA) through membership.
- Participate in BCAHA conferences and meetings where we learn from others and share our successes.
- Host Lower Mainland Area conferences on the Sunshine Coast every few years.
- We also knit caps for every new born baby at Sechelt Hospital
- Fund training for extended care staff and volunteers
- Make “worry dolls” for children in the hospital
- Distribute magazines at the hospital
- Create and distribute chemo comfort bags to chemo patients
- Make and distribute mastectomy pillows
- Operate the loan cupboard at the hospital
In late 2018, the Auxiliary provided funding to equip and furnish the revamped 2nd floor of the old hospital wing (2-south) to provide a transitioning opportunity for patients awaiting placement in a care facility. The unit opened in early 2019 and auxiliary volunteers are providing regular care and comfort services such as outings, birthday parties, games and visiting. Funding has also been put in place to support a music program.