The Hospital Gift Shop
The Gift Shop is located in the lobby of the Sechelt Hospital.
Open – Monday to Saturday 11 – 3
The main purpose of the Gift shop at Sechelt Hospital is to provide patients with items to make their stay in the hospital as comfortable as possible. We provide toiletries and comfort items for them along with great gift ideas for visitors and staff.
- The gift Shop also provides a service to visitors and staff. People have also discovered that we have interesting gift ideas. You can also purchase nibblies and goodies for snacks
- Pharmasave provides us with “Emergency Kits” for patients who arrive without a toothbrush, toothpaste and a comb.They are appreciated greatly by nurses and patients.
- We carry hand knit baby items which are in great demand along with baby quilts many other baby gift ideas. Other items which are available are an array of cotton nighties and pyjamas, ladies fashions.All which make wonderful gifts or just buy for yourself. Jewllery and watches are strong sellers . Watch for a variety of items as the seasons change.
- One of our biggest challenge is keeping the shop stocked with interesting items for sale. It is a constant challenge to find the “IT” items.
- Volunteers work in the shop every month and do a great job of being pleasant and helpful to customers, whether they are patients, staff or visitors.