Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary
Legacy Student Bursary ( $2,000.00 )
The purpose of the bursary will be to support active members and direct relatives of members belonging to the Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary.
Candidates will be spouses, children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews of a Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary member in good standing. The field of study must be Healthcare related, nursing, medical school, upgrade training. They must meet all other eligibility requirements as set out by the Educational Institution.
Eligible candidates will fill out the form below and submit.
The application must be accompanied by verification of acceptance into the program of study and two letters of reference. The yearly sum available for these bursaries will be allocated by the auxiliary. The applicant will be notified of qualification for the bursary after review by education committee. Please include any information pertaining to program deadlines and the person / department at the educational institution to whom the bursary would be sent. Each bursary will be a maximum of $2,000.00 per year and applicants can apply for funding each year of their program. The bursary will be paid directly to the educational institution once the student is registered.