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For the Sunshine Coastauxiliary2015-03-19T14:13:53-07:00
What we do for the Sunshine Coast
- Enhance dollars spent on healthcare by purchasing much needed equipment and services for the care and comfort of patients.
- Support the British Columbia Association for Health Care Auxiliaries (BCAHA) through membership.
- Participate in BCAHA conferences and meetings where we learn from others and share our successes.
- Host Lower Mainland Area conferences on the Sunshine Coast every few years.
- We also knit caps for every new born baby at St Mary’s Hospital
- Hold birthday parties for residents of Totem/Shorncliffe
- Provide hair care services for Totem/Shorncliffe residents
- Fund training for extended care staff and volunteers
- Provide hanging baskets and bedding plants for Shorncliffe/Totem gardens
- Make “worry dolls” for children in the hospital
- Distribute magazines at the hospital
- Create and distribute chemo comfort bags to chemo patients
- Make and distribute mastectomy pillows
- Operate the loan cupboard at the hospital
- Auxiliary members contributed 62,858 hours of service to our community last year and raised $450,000 from September 2010 to September 2011.
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