June was another busy month at Silverstone. The Residents Council meeting on June 11 was well attended with 8 residents and 1 family member plus 2 Recreation staff.
Lots of good feedback on food, including the residents’ thanks that afternoon and evening snacks are now being served. Staffing continues to be a concern, with some leaving to take other jobs and others being let go by management. The end result is the remaining staff are working way too hard, but we really appreciate what they do for us. Plans are underway to develop a new combined resident and family Council. The first meeting of this new body is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 10 at 10:30 AM in the Sea Star Community Room on the 2nd floor. If you would like to know more and perhaps get involved, leave your name and contact information with the greeter at the front door and Catherine or I will contact you.
Lots of birthdays in June and the Healthcare Auxiliary hosted another great party on June 20th. That evening was the classic car show and BBQ in the evening. The weather Gods cooperated and we had a great party. The cars included ones from 1947 and 1953 plus the James Bond special – an Aston Martin complete with machine guns on the hood and a champagne bottle and glasses inside on the passenger side.
Progress was made on getting the hair salon set up and it looks like it will be operational in July.
Also in July we will be welcoming our new General Manager and Director of Care.
By Marg Penney (Resident at Silverstone)