SCHA Volunteers were out on Friday Dec 6 and Monday Dec 11 adding a festive look to the Sechelt shíshalh Hospital and outbuildings by decorating 9 trees.
The trees were funded by the SCHA to brighten up time spent in the hospital for staff and patients over the holidays. SCHA members spend the first week of December lighting them up! This annual service brings cheer to the patients and staff. Thank you for volunteering your time in this way.
The trees are located throughout the hospital on the second and third floor of the new wing, the 2 South Residents area, the Lobby, Day Surgery outside Foundation Office, the Mental Health Trailer and in the Cafeteria. One tree is off campus at the Adult Mental Health at Toredo Square.
- 2 South Volunteers Back row – Nancy Enns, Sue Campbell, Katie Caple, Mary Jackson, Bernie Kretschmer Front row – Martha Ware, Carole Murray
- HMB members Anne Selder, Karen Biddlecombe, Elly Van Alfin , Jacqui Jones-Cox.
- HMB members Anne Selder, Karen Biddlecombe, Elly Van Alfin , Jacqui Jones-Cox.
- Hopkins volunteers Georgina Kvist, Pat Dallin, Bev Grisewood, Margaret Matthews
- Hopkins volunteers Georgina Kvist, Pat Dallin, Bev Grisewood, Margaret Matthews
- Sechelt Branch members Joanne Pegusch, Donna Perry, Mary Young, (in photo) also Hilary Chalke, Kati Rawson, Sarah Zacharias and Agnes Muri were on hand to help.
- Hospital lobby tree Debbie English and Arlene Baird with Gibsons
- Lorna Snazell from Gibsons Branch and Maureen Hamblin from Sechelt branch decorated the tree in Teredo Square.