Sunshine Coast Auxiliary Granting Program 2018 Approved Grants

Arrowhead Clubhouse – Sunshine Coast Community Services $10,000
The clubhouse serves adults living with mental illness. Funds will be used to help keep the clubhouse open on Mondays and to support employment development for its members.

Bellies  and Babies Program – Sunshine Coast Community Services $10,000
To fund information and discussion groups on pre and postnatal depression (Mama to Mama) in Gibsons, Sechelt, HMB (currently exploring Pender Harbour). Last year our grant helped with the start of these groups.

Better at Home –  Sunshine Coast Community Services $10,000
To support the volunteer program that provides non-medical home support services . Some services require contractors. Funds will also be used to offset fees for those unable to pay for contracted services.

Community Resource Centre $10,000
Building on the work that our grant last year provided, the resource centre will further develop a Seniors Outreach program to help seniors navigate and access information as they need it.

Gibson’s Family Network $ 7,600
To provide therapeutic riding opportunities for those 18 years+ with developmental disabilities. (partnership with TROTS – Therapeutic Riding on the Sunshine Coast).

Hospice Society – Sunshine Coast $ 9,000
To enhance training program for new volunteers, to offer further in service training for existing volunteers and to support informational opportunities in the community.

Pender Harbour Health Centre $ 8,000
To purchase a universal procedure stretcher, needed to equip a second medical treatment room.

Special Olympics – Sunshine Coast $ 5,000
To support an adaptive fitness program for those 18+ with developmental disabilities and those who have brain injuries (Monday and Friday – Gibsons Community Centre).

Women’s Counselling Program –  Sunshine Coast Community Services $10,000
To provide free of charge support groups for women struggling with the impact of violence and abuse.