Silent Auction at Thrift Store

A recent silent auction at the SCHA Thrift Store attracted lots of shopper's attention. The painting was a moody landscape by Eugene Sandrini, a French painter 1925-1998. Hopeful bidders were able to place bids at the Thrift Store between June 25 - July 5 and it was a lively finale with one lucky bidder taking home the painting with a [...]

2024-07-11T12:36:49-07:00July 11, 2024|

Summer 2024 is here!

June was another busy month at Silverstone. The Residents Council meeting on June 11 was well attended with 8 residents and 1 family member plus 2 Recreation staff. Lots of good feedback on food, including the residents’ thanks that afternoon and evening snacks are now being served. Staffing continues to be a concern, with some leaving to take other [...]

2024-07-11T11:52:42-07:00July 11, 2024|
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